Happy 2023! It’s Time To Step It Up!

Happy New Year Everybody! Happy 2023! I hope 2023 is being good to you. As I go into a new year, I try to evaluate what’s going on in my life. I ask myself, what’s working … what’s not. How can I better myself? How can I improve? What will make my life better? I came up with a list of things, pretty much in the areas of health, money and love.

As it relates to health, I’m so much healthier than I was last year. Thank God! I must be honest, there were times I didn’t think I was going to see 2023. Due to all of this, I gained 18 pounds. My doctor wants me to watch my carbohydrates, dessert intake and exercise more. I haven’t started exercising, but have the equipment to do so in my home. These cute gingerbread cookie men & cupcakes didn’t help kick-off my year. I will be more mindful with what I eat moving forward.

GOD. I am closer to GOD more than ever! I pray everyday. I ask GOD for his guidance, love, insight and protection. I stepped up my prayers last year. He’s #1 in my life, heart and soul. I put him first. He has blessed me in so many ways.

Money. Unfortunately in the world we live in, everything has a price tag attached. Wouldn’t it be nice, if we all could just enjoy everything the world has to offer without money. I feel that’s the way GOD intended it to be, but man has put a price on everything. With inflation, everything has increased. I’m thankful for starting A Very Sweet Blog years ago which generated a second income source for me. I’m thankful, that I’ve worked since I was a pre-teen. I already have all of my social security credits. I’m making decisions about my professional career and asking GOD to guide my footsteps.

Break-Up. My boyfriend and I didn’t make it into 2023. I explained to him what I wanted in a relationship (pathway to marriage & a home for us to be together), but no decision was made. Although he treated me very well, there were things missing in our relationship that I needed. So I thought it was best we part. If I would’ve stayed, I would be sacrificing all of my beliefs and everything in my heart. I still love him very much and wish him the best. You cannot force love or force anyone to do anything for you. I just accept that we want different things in a relationship. You take the good things and ask GOD to align you with someone that will fulfill those needs. I still have faith. I still believe. He was very close.

I was explaining to my mom all the things I want to do in my life. She said Kim, I think you should Step It Up …. step up everything in your life. Those words really hit me. They’re so true! Step It Up! Step It Up, Kim! Step up everything you do and want to do. There’s always room for improvement. There’s always room to be better. Fulfill those dreams, wishes and desires! You may take a step back to evaluate things (but don’t stay there). Step forward towards your goals. Achieve them. Surpass them. Connect with others who are stepping up their lives! People that are not enhancing or helping you … have them step down, aside and away from your life. You’re only given a pie’s worth of energy everyday. Start with YOU!

So 2023, I AM READY! I’m going to do my part and encourage others along the way. CHEERS and GOD BLESS!